Friday, October 16, 2015


A huge 135-city FBI sex-trafficking investigation freed 149 children and apprehended 150 pimps, according to a statement released Wednesday.
The nationwide sweep involved over 500 members of law enforcement in cities from coast to coast. The investigation focused on hotels, casinos and truck stops.
In Michigan alone 19 children were rescued and 12 pimps arrested.
“The Michigan State Police continue to support the efforts to combat human trafficking and rescue victims from the manipulation and constraints of suspects who take advantage of vulnerable children and adults in our community. Our department is committed to working with our law enforcement partners enforcing human trafficking laws and arresting the suspects who facilitate these horrific acts,” Michigan State Police Captain Monica Yesh said in a statement.
The FBI reported that the youngest exploited child was only 12 years old.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why You Should Never Call A Person Forced into Sex Slavery a “Hooker” or “Prostitute”

I spoke to a friend recently who referred to me as being involved in prostitution during my years of captivity. A hammer to my jaw would have hurt less.

It offended and hurt me deeply. He reacted with this statement: “You sold your body for money. Isn’t that prostitution?”

Firstly, I never “sold” my body. Sex traffickers marketed me. Prostitutes choose to sell their bodies. Sex slave victims are beaten, drugged, and forced. His comment sliced right through my heart.
This causes a trafficking survivor to shudder and keep silent. Guilt, shame, and fear also seal our lips. Therefore, even in our freedom, we stay imprisoned to our captors in our minds.

Survivors need compassion, gentleness, understanding, and, above all, not to be judged. Victims suffer for years after all their anguish and desperation from PTSD, Stockholm syndrome, Learned Behaviors, and Reactive Responses.

Sadly, many people ignore this ever-growing crime because it overwhelms them. However, not only does modern-day slavery exist, but it thrives and growing at lightning speed. Traffickers around the world realize how profitable and easy it is to sell people.

My hope is that the next time one sees a “hooker”; it causes them to think twice about her situation. Please don’t turn a blind eye. None of us can do everything, but each of us can do something, even if it is just spreading the word.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Face of a Human Trafficker

A Human Trafficker Looks Just Like You or Me

Traffickers lurk in plain sight - hanging out in malls, luring victims through chatrooms and all social medias, snatching runaways off the street, or tricking those living in poverty, promising them a job and a future

Help End It. Spread the Word - Get involved.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Holdup of the Anti-Human Trafficking Bill in the U.S. Senate

Whoever snuck the abortion clause into the Human Trafficking Bill seems to be pushing their own political agenda at the expense of human trafficking victims . . . 50% that are children. Would it not it be more humane to remove the abortion clause from this bill?

There are hundreds of privatized charities for trafficking survivors who will gently guide these young women through the process. The decision for adoption or abortion is already extremely painful and personal. Whichever way it leads, have not these victims suffered enough? The choice is between them and their God. Who are we to judge them anyway?

These jokers on the hill seem to like to twist and turn verbiage in political bills that make no earthly sense at all to the most educated persons.

Remove the abortion clause out of this bill completely and give survivors the hope and help they need.

Maybe I am just naïve.

Written by Nancy J. Walker – a molestation, rape, and trafficking survivor.

Review the holdup here:
and here:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Hundreds Of Johns Arrested In Sex-Trafficking Sting That Culminated On Super Bowl Sunday


“As the New England Patriots were celebrating their thrilling Super Bowl XLIX win Sunday night, law enforcement around the nation were observing a more somber victory.
At least 570 would-be sex buyers (or johns) and 23 so-called sex traffickers -- men taken into custody on charges of pimping, trafficking or promoting prostitution -- were taken off the streets in the "National Day Of Johns Arrests" effort, Illinois' Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart announced Monday.
The nationwide sex-trafficking sting operation, led by the Cook County Sheriff's Department, ran from Jan. 15 to Feb. 1.
“Sex trafficking continues to destroy countless lives, and this broad national movement should send a strong message to prospective johns that their ‘hobby’ is much more than a ‘victimless’ crime,” Dart said in a statement. “Its particularly meaningful that this sting culminated on the day of the Super Bowl, which unfortunately has emerged as a prominent haven for sex trafficking."  Kim Bellware

Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Human Trafficking Exists Today Because We Choose To Ignore It" Mira Sorvino

“I grew up like the other girls full of dreams of growing up and marrying prince charming but all of these dreams were stripped away, suddenly, into a world of slavery.

And we can do something instead of acting like it’s not really happening. So what can I give, what can I raise, what can I tell, what can I sell, what can I do to save you from another day of Hell”

It could have your child, could have your mother, could have been your father, could have been your sister, could have been your brother, it can be YOU.