Saturday, November 23, 2013

Consider yourself blessed if you know where your children are at this moment. 
If you do not, my heart breaks for you - my prayers will not cease. 
My determination to help in anyway I can to rescue victims will never end.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Never be silent or silenced. 
Fight to end Human Trafficking 
and Sexual Violence

Monday, November 11, 2013

When I was being tortured, raped, and otherwise brutalized, I often spat with venom, "If you exist, God, where the HELL are you now???” And I meant every word of it. I could not believe that love even existed back then.

I have suffered immeasurably over the past 22 years because of the rare virus I contracted (Tropical Spastic Paraparesis) while I was held captive and sold for three years by traffickers.
But I no longer cry out, “God, where the hell are you now?” My strength to persevere, my ability to smile, and my passion to fight and be more than a voice for survivors and victims of this horrific crime comes from this oft-times confusing Creator.

We all have different names for him/her … some of us don’t believe in a Designer at all. Either way, that is ok. I am not here to preach.

What I have learned is that we are not robots. Evil men and women exist and do evil things. But we have the power to stamp out these spineless pieces of scum and wipe them off the face of the earth. This is either our planet, or it isn’t, our choice.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


If it does not touch our lives, if we cannot see it; then, it must not exist – except it does exist in our own backyard.


This is what it's like to be imprisoned by monsters. "My body was just a tool to please men in exchange for money. I had become a blow-up sex toy with a pulse. All that mattered to me now was survival, avoiding the beatings and getting the next hit of heroin. I had become what Shane had sought to create: a living dead girl." Wildflower - A Story of Survival ©2013


A human trafficker can sell a child for thousands of dollars for sex. Demand stronger punishment for these monsters.

Spread the word to end human trafficking
